This Software represents one issue of a Subscription (The 'Subscription'). The database(s) and the Software contained in, and associated documentation are proprietary products of Bhartiya Legal Infotech, all of which are protected by the copyright law and international treaty provisions. infringement of the copyright constitutes a criminal offence attracting criminal prosecution involving penalty and imprisonment, the product, issue, documentation are licensed (not sold) to you for use under the following terms and conditions:

You May Not: Reproduce, publish, distribute, sell or otherwise use any material retrieved from or software contained in the issue in any manner whatsoever that may infringe any copyright or other proprietary interest of Bhartiya Legal Infotech, any supplier or any other party; distribute, rent, sub-license lease, sell, transfer or assign the issue, the subscription or the documentation or this agreement; de-compile, disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer the issue or alter, translate, modify or adapt the issue or the documentation or any part thereof or create derivative works; use the software with any database(s) other than those provided with the issue.

Term: The License is effective until terminated. The license will terminate on breach of any of the terms and conditions of this agreement.

Limited Warranty: Bhartiya Legal Infotech, also warrantee that the media on which the Software is distributed is free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. Bhartiya Legal Infotech, will replace defective media or correct substantial software errors at no charge.

Except as specifically provided above, the issue and documentation are provided to you 'as is' without warranty of any kind. Bhartiya Legal Infotech, and the suppliers make no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to the package, the issue, the subscription, the product or the documentation including, but not limited to, their quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose and assume no responsibility for the accuracy of or application of or errors or omissions in any data or software contained in the issue or documentation.

Further, neither Bhartiya Legal Infotech, nor any of the Suppliers warranty, guarantees or makes any representations regarding the use, or the results of the use, of the issue or the documentation in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, correctness or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the issue or software is assumed by you and such are priced accordingly. Bhartiya Legal Infotech, does not warranty that the package will meet your requirement or that the operation of the package will be uninterrupted or error free. The opinions expressed by the authors or the suppliers contained in the issue are their own and not necessarily those of Bhartiya Legal Infotech.

The warranty and remedies set forth above are exclusive and in lieu of all others, oral or written, express or implied. No Bhartiya Legal Infotech, dealer, distributor, agent or employee is authorised to make any modification or addition to this warranty.

Limited Liability: in no event will Bhartiya Legal Infotech or the suppliers be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the issue or documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. specifically, neither Bhartiya Legal Infotech, nor any of the suppliers are responsible for any costs including, but not limited to, those incurred as a result of lost profits or revenue, loss of use of the issue, loss of data, the costs of recovering software or data, the cost of substitute software or data, claims by third parties, or for other similar costs. In no case shall the liability of Bhartiya Legal Infotech and the suppliers under this agreement exceed the amount of the license fee received by Bhartiya Legal Infotech, for the product.

General: This agreement, including the limited warranty, the limited liability and the disclaimer of liability contained therein shall be governed by Indian laws. All disputes are subject to exclusive jurisdiction of Courts in Bombay. Nothing in this license constitutes a waiver of the rights of Bhartiya Legal Infotech, or the suppliers under the copyright law and installation, treaty provisions and other allied acts and statutes. You are responsible for installation, management and operation of the product. Should you have any questions concerning this license agreement, write to Bhartiya Legal Infotech.

You acknowledge that you have read this license agreement, understand it and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. You further agree that is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between us and it supersedes any proposal or prior agreement, oral or written, and any other communication between us relating to the subject matter of this license agreement.

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